Saturday, March 29, 2014

I watched this video today, during my morning scripture study, and it made helped me realize that during the process of de-cluttering my home I want to keep all that is good and shed all that is no longer necessary.



Friday, March 21, 2014

Sustainable, sustainable, sustainable. 

I repeated that over and over again as I began searching for a new eating plan.  And I've been searching for years.  I kept on saying to myself,  "You have to find something you can do and enjoying doing for the rest of your life."  And I believe I found it.

A quick summary of the plan is to eat 6 smaller meals a day and each meal should consist of complex carbs (whole grains, fruits and vegetables) and a healthy protein (legumes, nuts, lean meats).  And only eat white flour and sugar occasionally when you want a treat.

Here's the best part.  I tried the plan for two weeks and was able to shed three pounds per week.  My goal is 1.5 pounds a week so I'm two weeks ahead of schedule.

Here is a book that summarizes the program:.

The Eat Clean Diet - Recharged      

And here is a website that gives good tips on how to begin eating clean:

Clean Eating 101:  The Gracious Pantry

I'm looking forward to seeing how I feel after 10 months of following this new eating plan.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I did it!  Here I am looking down the freshly climbed stairs.  As you can imagine, my heart was beating pretty hard when I took this photo.  It felt great!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

STEP #2:  Add more exercise to my daily routine.
At the west side of Utah State University there is a steep hill with a long set of stairs.  Starting tomorrow morning I'll start getting off the bus at the base of that hill and walk the rest of the way to work - including climbing those intimidating stairs. 
I had an Aha! moment yesterday.  (One of those insights I wish I would have had 26 years ago when I was 20.)  I'm filling my daily schedule so tight that I"m only leaving room to make a messes, but not enough time to clean them up afterwards.   That may be a hard habit to break..
First step is complete!  Now I can actually work at my desk (at least this half of it).   I still need to clear the other half off.    

Monday, March 17, 2014

If I live to be 92, then I've lived half my life.  (Still can't believe I've reached the hump).  While pondering this, I decide I want to make the second half of my life even better than the first (This is a tall order, but it will be fun trying!).  To do this, I determine there are two things I want to do to make room for a more vibrant and joyful life.  They are:
  • Declutter my life. 
  • Reach a healthy, energetic BMI.
Important note:  This is coming from a person who has been a chubby clutter bug her whole life. 

To make this a fun project, I've created this blog to track my progress over the next 10 months.

The receiving of reader's wisdom and tips is welcome!  

Okay...let the metamorphosis begin!!

STEP ONE:  Declutter desk.